The Body Trauma of Grief
The Body Trauma of Grief By Dr. Nancy Gahles,DC, CCH, OIM Grief is a physiological reaction to an event or events that you think should...
The Energy Body
The Energy Body I began my professional career as a Chiropractor by accident. I was a college student, studying to be a Doctor, preparing...
Adrenal Fatigue Presenting as Allergies
Adrenal Fatigue Presenting as Allergies Many people have suffered from allergies all their lives. Some will relate that they only...
Diabetes A Condition of Emotional Stress A New View
By Dr. Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA), OIM (reprint from Type 2 diabetes is known among healthcare professionals as a disease...
Mental Health Awareness
May is Mental Health Awareness Month A reform movement in mental health in America was fomented by a former psychiatric patient whose...
The Psychology of Safety
December 2, 2016 SHARE from By Dr. Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RSHom(NA), OIM Feeling safe is a prerequisite to happiness, health, and...
The pain game: The connection between chronic pain and psychological illness
April 17, 2017 I’ve watched athletes begin their game with the sign of the cross to bless themselves and ask for God’s protection on...
Middle Schoolers at Risk for Suicidal Thoughts
Middle Schoolers at Risk for Suicidal houghts Health & Harmony By Dr. Nancy Gahles Middle Schoolers at Risk for Suicidal Thoughts Middle...
Colds & Flu—A Homeopathic Perspective
A recall (2007) of over the counter cold and cough medicines has left parents scurrying to find a stop gap treatment measure for their...
Seasons of The Heart: A Merry Christmas Coronary
(credit: Integrative Practitioner .com Dec. 1, 2017) Holidays harken songs of glad tidings for all: heartfelt sentiments are sent in...